Friday, April 29, 2011

Has the slow economy pushed more people to social media?

Slow Economy and B2B Social Media

B2B social media and b2c social media are playing a big role in the slow economy. Like the Depression of the 1930s, misery loves company. Today, company is finding itself on business blogging sites, Facebook and Linkedin.

They say a man is rich who has friends. What about a company with fans?

There aren’t many internet users who remember seeing Charlie Chaplin’s movies when they debuted in theaters. Thanks to the internet, though, just about any user can watch Chaplin ham it up as the Tramp who faced many of the same challenges as his original audience.

During the Great Depression, poor folks watched the poor guy do his best to find a job (and keep it), fix up his house (err, shack), and woo the lady of his dreams. The audience had something in common with Chaplin’s characters, so they got the jokes, and the jokes brought them all together.

Of course, the Depression was no joke.

During these modern days we’re slogging through our own recession that doesn’t offer much to laugh about. A lot of Americans are facing those same struggles with work, housing, and even relationships. Just like Chaplin’s films portrayed the angst of those times, more and more people today are sharing the anxiety and worry of these modern times. Only we’re not doing it with slapstick and silent movies. We’re posting on blogs, sharing photos, and twittering.

According to a recent trend report from Netpop Research LLC, online social networking has almost doubled since 2006 while the economy has only weakened since then. Netpop reports that about 3 out of 4 web users are personally sharing over the internet by contributing to blogs, rating products, uploading photos. etc.

Today about 29% of US broadband users communicate with each other specifically through social networking sites. Tough times do bring people together, and the results of this report point to even more online sharing as these recession days continue.

What This Means For Business
Commiserating with like-minded people can bring relief and comfort, but it can also impact our decisions. We aren’t sheep, blindly following anything willing to lead, but when every penny counts, it’s good to know how friends made similar choices.

While we’re updating microblogs and profile photos, we’re also rating products and declaring ourselves as fans of certain services. While we’re connecting through online chats, we’re also bidding at online auctions and sharing the scoop on great deals.

Netpop’s research revealed that social networkers currently spend more money online than “non-contributors,” and that they are likely to rely ever more heavily on the recommendations of their fellow networking media participants as this recession intensifies.

That’s why business owners need to get involved in social media. Reaching out to their existing customers who are already participating in venues like Facebook, LinkedIn, and will bring them into an ever-increasing network of contacts on the same wave length.

Just as Cate Riegner, VP of Research at Netpop Research, LLC, noted, “Brands that experiment in social advertising now will be in the best position to leverage these important media channels when the economy turns the corner.”

And, rest assured, this economy will indeed turn the corner, just like Chaplin always bounced back from that slapstick fall.

Paul is the President of Professional Blog Service. PBS works with clients making strategic investments into business blogging, social media and search engine optimization.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Business Blogging Mistakes

Blog Marketing mistakes made by business

Marketing should not be the motivation when blogging for business. Conversation with your customers should be the cornerstone of blogging for business. It is ok to talk about what you do with readers. It just has to be done in a way that speaks to them and their selfish needs, not yours.

Before you rush into business blogging there's something you should know:

Business blogging does not work in a vacuum

Every week someone calls us and asks if we can just ghost write blog articles for super cheap for their business blog. There's a name for these spammy business blogs, and it sounds like something that grows in that goo that accumulates in the drain pan under the fridge: splog.

Splogs are blogging's answer for the guy at the fair who yells “Hey you, with the face! Step right up...” So, after discovering that our future client has a splog, our first question is, well, if we are just writing, how is the blog being promoted? The answer from our prospective client is nearly always:

“We don't care about that. We just have the blog around to mop up on some keywords on Google. It needs lots of new content, but we don't really care what it says. We just want Google to index it.”

After we take a look at the prospects blog, we usually find three things are true about the aforementioned business blog:

1. It's written by fake people. Not real people with pen names, but fake as in department store mannequin with a bad wig and big sunglasses.

2. The content isn't personal (it's written in third person), usually isn't well written and isn't tracking in the search engines for keywords that actually get traffic. It's usually just more spammy content that will end up on page 8,500 in Google's search results for a fourth rate keyword.

3. The business blog is screaming fire in an empty theater at three in the morning on a Sunday after the popcorn ran out. It gets 20 clicks. Per month. Meaning a visitor is more likely to be a hacker's spider looking for unpatched scripts than a person, anyway.

Cheaply written business blogs which are put up for an audience consisting of a search engine spider and a ranking algorithm don't work very well if you are trying to actually market.  To engage, you have to actually communicate with people. Which raises the biggest mistake that people make when they start business blogging: failing to be genuine.

Blogs which are written by real people that can be called on the telephone are the most effective if you want good marketing.  That does not mean you have to write the article, but it does mean that every blog post needs to be your ideas, and said in a way that is personal and genuine.

Why? Because, people do business with people. It's that simple.

What are you going to do when someone calls and asks if Mr. Fake Person can speak at a trade show or come on a sales call? Hire an actor? Good luck with that.

Think about it.

People do business with people. People network with people. Sites like Facebook and LinkedIn connect people to people. It's called social media for a reason, and the blog is the foundation of it all.  Spammy business blogs are anti-social.

Paul is the President of Professional Blog Service. PBS works with clients making strategic investments into business blogging, social media and search engine optimization.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

8 Social Bookmarking Services That Work in Any Niche + a Time Saving Tool

Blogging for Business? Social Bookmarking Can Help

An effective social media campaign uses social bookmarking to help drive traffic.  Blogging for business is most effective when you are getting your content distributed. Business blog marketing content needs to be shared. Social bookmarking can play an important role in this strategy.
Social bookmarking can help drive relevant and interested traffic to your website – in other words, social bookmarking doesn’t just put random and isolated single links out there, it puts out “targeted feelers”. Instead of casting a line, you’re now casting a carefully baited net. And not only are you pinning down your focus niche of potential readers or customers, you’re also getting some PageRank juice with the search engines.
Social bookmarking sites let users post links or bookmarks, make comments and invite other users to comment. These comments or votes will often increase a link’s value and its visibility. The more votes a page gets, the more perceived value it acquires and the higher it ranks on the search engines. The higher it ranks, the more people who see it and… well you see where I’m going with this…
So, if bookmarks are so great, where do you post them? Try my top 8 social bookmarking services that will work in any niche:

Users can ‘Blink’ their favorite sites and even create a personal ‘blinklist’. The site then allows users to sort, describe and tag their favorite blinks. The community has over 450,000 users who are extremely active.

Faves lets users save their favorite web pages, videos, news stories and music and then share it with the Faves’ community. Sign up and try the Active Topic Groups tool to see what subjects and links are generating a lot of heat.

Delicious was one of the first social bookmarking sites and still my personal favorite. As a result, it has a massive following and an extremely active community. Users can submit and share links with each other, but they can also categorize them across a wide range of interesting categories. Most sites see an improved search engine ranking and massive leaps in traffic after using Delicious with targeted tags and link descriptions.

Diigo is like a highlighter in your browser that lets users highlight text online and even add sticky notes. The site is predominantly used for research and it’s a great way to promote web sites that are heavy with factual or research-worthy information.

Mister Wong
With over 4 million visitors every month and a site that serves 6 different languages, Mister Wong is a massive and global social bookmarking site. The site features a Spotlight section and advertises its top topics or tags.

Mixx is a social bookmarking site for popular news stories and compelling videos. Users post their favorite videos and comment on popular political, business, entertainment and local news stories. If you’ve got a press release, this is the place to link it.

Multiply lets users create personal web pages containing their favorite photos, links, music and videos. It’s extremely popular with families and has over 11 million members. Create a profile for your business or yourself and start adding links.

Netvouz lets its users set both public and private bookmarks using a standard formula of organizing links into folders or topics and tagging them with keywords.
Time Saving Tip for Social Marketing Pros
The core audience for each of these services is a bit different, both by industry and geographic location. So, as a social marketing pro, you’d better be submitting to all of them just to be sure you are sending “targeted feelers” into each nook and cranny of the Net.
Instead of logging into each one individually every time you want to promote a link, try a service like SocialMarker. Social Marker allows you to submit your link to dozens of different bookmarking services in less than five minutes.
Paul is the President of Professional Blog Service. PBS works with clients making strategic investments into business blogging, social media and search engine optimization.